Is It OK to Visit Older Family Members at Home Now?

In mid-April, Lori Vaughan’s 85-year-old mother fell and broke her hip. She spent 13 days in the hospital before returning to her home in Connecticut with a live-in nurse in tow. Vaughan — who hadn’t seen her mother since before the coronavirus hit the U.S.— spent the following month trying to determine how to safely […]

COVID-19 isolation a dilemma for seniors

TALLAHASSEE — “Social distancing,” ending visitation at nursing homes and shuttering nearly all gathering places could have a devastating effect on the people many of the measures are meant to safeguard: older adults, who are already at risk of isolation and loneliness. The race to curb the rapidly spreading novel coronavirus has prompted Gov. Ron […]

Seniors are already suffering from isolation and loneliness

“Social distancing,” ending visitation at nursing homes and shuttering nearly all gathering places could have a devastating effect on the people many of the measures are meant to safeguard: older adults, who are already at risk of isolation and loneliness. The race to curb the rapidly spreading novel coronavirus has prompted Gov. Ron DeSantis to […]