
Finally a great new service we all are looking for.

*** The Senior Pals Texting Angels Members Club:

Friendly Angels SMS Texting and Calling: 

This is a great valuable service all our seniors want to have. 

We take way the concerns of loneliness or that something might happen to your loved one.

As we know, with all the great new medicine and advances in the healthcare system we are living longer!  We must enjoy every moment and bring new essential, EASY technologies and communication applications to our lives.

So many seniors are feeling that they need a friend to check in on them, daily or even weekly.  Our texting angels can be there for you!

This membership club is for any of your senior loved ones or family members.

This is a great opportunity for you to enroll in our special texting angel club. Our texting angels will bring you extra peace of mind and comfort knowing that our angels are providing your loved one or family member with optimism, joy and purpose to each day!
Our caring and concerned Angel staff member makes friendly SMS texts or calls.

We provide a welcomed break from the loneliness while maintaining our senior’s independence!
Our friendly texting angel pals are ready to be part of your life!

Texting Angels Club Services: