
You may need a username and password to use certain features of the member Site.

You let us know when you want us to Text or call. All Texting and Calls are made within a one hour time frame, once you have given us your schedule.

Since we know that sometimes it can takes you a long time to get to the telephone, We Text…

Our Texting Angles will text you and will expect a response. After we will continue to call, until someone answers, or we will call the emergency contact person on file. The time frame for these calls depends on the clients.

Our Toll Free number is: 1-888-800-1162

Please Text SMS Massage Line is: 1-888-800-1162

You will notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security. We assume no liability for any loss or damage arising from any unauthorized use of your password or account by a third party.